Twilight Breaking Dawn "Bella's" Engagement Ring

Let's start with the shining star of the Twilight set: The engagement ring as worn by Bella on her wedding day is a beautiful piece of collectible that is 99% screen-accurate. You can make your own wedding even more memorable with this wonderful ring. The *Breaking Dawn* engagement ring is assured to be as perfect as it can get. 

If you have a wife or a girlfriend who is a huge Twilight fan, this ring worn by Bella in the Twilight Breaking Dawn movie will surely make her heart melt.

Twilight New Moon "Jacob" Chunky Charm Bracelet

This Twilight New Moon Jacob inspired bracelet is a novelty to own for years to come. The little trinkets shows pictures of the Twilight Saga that you can add your own pictures.

Charm the man of your dreams with this limited edition charm bracelet and take him to your soul, Twilight style.